Want a Simple Way to Get More Blog Followers, Without Paying For It?

Did you know articles with pictures get an average of 94% more views? The popularity of sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest is soaring, and that is because they are image based. That means the single most important thing, when writing a blog post, is to remember to include a picture. But how can you do this without infringing copyright, racking up fees, or even potential legal issues?

The answer is simple… free use images, or royalty free images for blogs. A picture can really liven up that post about your cat (especially if add an adorable little catchphrase), or make a recipe truly seem worth the effort that goes into it. Our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text alone, and up to 90% of all information processed by the brain is visual, so that picture may very well be the “hook” that you need.

Moreover, the majority of online consumers, or up to 67%, say that high quality product images are responsible for their final decision to make a purchase. Even if you are not selling merchandise, you are “selling” your writing and blog, so images are no less important.

Remember, Instagram gets a new, unique user every second. Pictures are popular, and a post about your Hawaiian vacation is not going to be the same without one. Royalty free images for blogs are a great way to give life to your writing, without incurring fees and penalties.