Artists Must Share on The Internet

We are in an age where everyone is considered a blogger. The people of today seem to blog about everything these days, whether it be their food recipes, their poetry, their art, their daily journal, etc.

It is not a bad thing by any means to be a blogger, it is actually I great thing. People out there love sharing information with each other; why do you think we love social media so much? But we are also an age of regaining the meaning of what it once meant to appreciate art, and the little talents that seemed to have been driven away by business suits and cubicles. We come from a generation of rebels and tattoos, we come from a world of love and helping each other, rather than the familiar acts of selfish hatred.

Take a little example of helping out each other… Let us pretend that I am a poet, and I would like to find free images on the internet to go onto one of my poems to help the reader depict what I am metaphorically throwing up in my stanzas. I would probably post my poetry to some sort of blog, so technically I would be merely searching the internet for free images for my blog.

Free images for blogs online are easy to come across these days. This is a wonderful thing for everyone. So returning to the example… I am a poet and I use free photos for blogs that I post my poetry through; is there anything wrong with that? Some people would say yes, and that I am robbing the photographer of their art, but the truth is, that we would be just helping one another out.

Artists understand this concept, because using free images for my blog, if I was a poet or any type of blogger in need of such things, not only would I be able to portray what I am attempting to say better to a visual learning crowd, I am at the same time marketing for this photographer that I do not even know.

This is an important concept to grasp when doing anything on the internet; this is what it is for. People these days, such as artists of any sort need this mindful act of sharing in order to make it. Without the help of sharing on the internet, how would any people of today even begin to make it to where they would like to be?

Whether I am looking for free images for my blog, or your looking for a beat to go in the background of your rap song. Maybe someones looking for a free recipe to cook for their party tonight, or someone even needs the answer to a question on their homework that they just cannot figure out… It is out there, if everyone just shares. It will come back to you one day when you need it. This is the internet. This is today.